
The 37 Aids to Awakening


The Thirty-Seven Aids to Awakening 三十七道品

bodhipakṣa dharma

  • The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (smṛtyupasthāna 四念處)
    • Body
    • Sensations
    • States of Mind
    • Dharmas
  • The Four Right Efforts (samyakprahāṇa 四正勤)
    • Put an end to existing evil
    • Prevent evil from arising
    • Bring good into existence
    • Develop existing good
  • The Four Bases of Psychic Power (ṛddhipāda 四如意足)
    • Desire (chanda) - intensive longing, or concentration)
    • Effort (vīrya) - intensified effort
    • Mind (citta) - intense use of memory
    • Investigation (mīmāṃsa) - or surveying states of dhyāna).
  • The Five Roots (pañca indriyāṇi 五根)
    • Faith (śraddhā)
    • Effort (vīrya)
    • Mindfulness (smṛti)
    • Concentration (samādhi)
    • Wisdom (prajñā)
  • The Five Powers (pañca balāni 五力
    • Faith (śraddhā)
    • Effort (vīrya)
    • Mindfulness (smṛti)
    • Concentration (samādhi)
    • Wisdom (prajñā)
  • The Seven Factors of Enlightenment (sapta bodhyaṅga 七覺支 )
    • Mindfulness (smṛti)
    • Investigation (dharmapravicaya)
    • Effort (vīrya)
    • Joy (prīti)
    • Tranquillity (praśrabdhi)
    • Concentration (samādhi)
    • Equanimity (upekṣā)
  • The Eightfold Path (aṣṭa-mārga 八正道)
    • Right View (dṛṣṭi)
    • Right Intention (saṃkalpa)
    • Right Speech (vāc)
    • Right Action (karmānta)
    • Right Livelihood (ājīva)
    • Right Effort (vyāyāma)
    • Right Mindfulness (smṛti)
    • Right Concentration (samyak-samādhi)

Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Four Right Efforts,

Four Bases of Supernatural Power,

Five (spiritual) Faculties,

Five (spiritual) Powers,

Seven Limbs of Awakening,

Eightfold Path,