Forest of Merit Bodhisattva continues by explaining the bodhisattva-mahasattva’s have ten kinds of inexhaustible treasuries:
- Treasury of Śraddhā - Certainty (’faith’) that all dharmas are:
- Empty
- Characteristicless
- Desireless
- Uncreated
- Without a basis for discrimination
- Baseless
- Measureless
- Insuperable
- Difficult to Transcend
- Unproduced
- Treasury of Śīla - The moral precepts of:
- Universally benefiting sentient beings (Observing precepts for the benefit of others)
- Not taking wrong precepts (Not observing non-Buddhist precepts)
- Not dwelling (in the realm of desire, form, or formless realm)
- Not having regrets
- Non-contentiousness
- Non-harm
- Non-defilement (non-attachment to extreme views)
- Non-covetousness (Not making a show of following the precepts)
- Faultlessness (not thinking ‘I observe precepts)
- Non-transgression (following the 10 wholesome actions)
- Treasury of Hiri - A sense of remorse, recalling all past misdeeds and arousing remorse
- Treasury of Apatrapyā - Conscience, “I should refrain from further misdeeds.”
- Treasury of Śrutī - Learning, bodhisattvas know:
- When there is ‘this’ there is ‘that’ (Ignorance = saṃskāra)
- Because there is not ‘this’ there is not ‘that’ (No consciousness, no nāmarūpa)
- When ‘this’ arises there arises ‘that’ (Craving gives rise to suffering)
- When ‘this’ ceases, ‘that’ ceases (The cessation of bhāva = the cessation of birth)
- What is worldly dharma (i.e the skandhas)
- What is transcendent dharma (i.e. the pāramitās)
- What is conditioned dharma (i.e the realms of desire, form, formless, and sentient beings)
- What is unconditioned dharma (space, nirvana, and cessation)
- Determinate dharma (i.e. the 37 aids to enlightenment)
- Indeterminate dharma (i.e. the un-answered questions))
- Treasury of Dāna - Practicing ten kinds of giving
- Shared giving = Naturally inclined toward sharing with others, even the microbiome
- Exhaustive giving = Giving of anything and everything to others
- Inward giving = Giving even hands, feet, eyes and flesh
- Outward giving = Giving even status and rulership
- Inward & Outward giving = Giving everything, inside and out, even becoming a servant
- All-inclusive giving = Knowing everything is bound to depart, giving all now
- Past giving = Not becoming attached to good roots or past Buddha Dharma
- Future giving = Understanding that all future buddhas are non-existent
- Present giving = Contemplating all actions as unreal
- Ultimate giving = Willing to undergo countless kalpas of renunciation
- Treasury of Prajñā - The bodhisattva knows all dharmas in accordance with Reality
- Treasury of Smṛti - Mindful, recalling many past lives
- Treasury of Dhāraṇī - Retaining all dharma heard
- Treasury of Pratibhāna - Possessing deep eloquence, the bodhisattva completely knows the True Characteristic of Reality and extensively expounds the Dharma without contradicting the sutras.