

The LUSB Entry Program is a series of three introductory courses on the fundamentals of Buddhism. The first course introduces an essential vocabulary of Buddhist concepts, called Dharma.

The second course is a deep-dive into the concept of Dependent Origination (Pratītyasamutpāda). This is the Buddhist understanding of the mutually interdependent nature of all phenomena.

The third course is an overview of the traditional Eight Schools of Buddhism - Eight major trends in the development of Buddhism that contextualize the concepts covered in the first two courses.

After completing the LUSB Entry Program, students are then invited to continue learning by choosing courses from Eight Departments that focus on specific areas of study and research.

⛩️LUSB 001 - TURNING THE DHARMA WHEEL: Introduction to Buddhism ⛩️LUSB 002 - THE WHEEL OF BECOMING: Dependent-Origination ⛩️LUSB 003 - THE IRREVERSIBLE WHEEL: The Eight Schools of Buddhism