Thus have I heard:
At one time, the Buddha was staying in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery in Shravasti.
At that time, the World-Honored One addressed the bhikkhus: "There are five hindrances, five obstructions that afflict the mind, weaken wisdom, obstruct progress, and do not lead to enlightenment or nirvana. What are these five? They are the hindrances of sensual desire, ill will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. These five obstructions cover and obscure the mind, weaken wisdom, obstruct progress, and do not lead to enlightenment or nirvana."
"If there are seven factors of enlightenment, they do not cover or obstruct, do not afflict the mind, but increase wisdom, lead to enlightenment, and turn towards nirvana. What are these seven? They are the factors of enlightenment such as mindfulness, [investigation, determination, joy, tranquility, concentration], as mentioned above, up to the factor of relinquishment. "These seven factors of enlightenment do not obscure or obstruct, do not afflict the mind, but increase wisdom, lead to enlightenment, and turn towards nirvana." At that time, the World-Honored One spoke these verses:
貪欲瞋恚蓋, 睡眠掉悔疑, 如此五種蓋, 增長諸煩惱,
The hindrances of sensual desire and ill will, Sloth and torpor, restlessness and doubt, These five kinds of hindrances Increase all afflictions.
此五覆世間, 深著難可度, 障蔽於眾生, 令不見正道。
These five cover the world, Deeply attached and hard to cross, Obscuring all beings, Preventing them from seeing the right path.
若得七覺支, 則能為照明, 唯此真諦言, 等正覺所說,
If one obtains the seven factors of enlightenment, They can illuminate, Only these words of truth Are spoken by the Fully Enlightened One.
念覺支為首, 擇法正思惟, 精進猗喜覺, 三昧捨覺支,
Mindfulness as the first factor of enlightenment, Investigation of dharma and right thought, Determination, tranquility, and joy, Concentration and relinquishment as factors of enlightenment.
如此七覺支, 牟尼之正道, 隨順大仙人, 脫生死怖畏。」
These seven factors of enlightenment Are the right path of the sage, Following the great seer, One is freed from the fear of birth and death.
When the Buddha had spoken this sutra, the bhikkhus heard what the Buddha had said and joyfully put it into practice.